Directions for Listening online; Saving Individual or complete Book Teachings.
Messages are listed in accending order beginning in January of each. year. The bible verses and study title are listed to the right of the message date.The message download label begins with either "SM" for Sunday morning, or "WE" for Wednesday evening.
To listen on your computer. Click on the far right cell for the message you wish to listen.
To save the MP3 file to your computer, right click on message file. The save line varies between browsers. For example in Internet Explorer: "Save Target As.."; in Firefox: "Save Link As.."
Complete Book of the Bible Download. Select the "Teaching by Book" section on the teaching home page. Select the book you wish to download. Immediately below the Navigation Bar is a statement beginning with "Right Click here to Download all (Book Name) Teachings in one file". As with saving an MP3 file you will "Save Target As..." or "Save Link As..." depending upon your web browser. Select a folder to save the file in and click "Save".
Note the files are in Zip which is a compressing format so it is necessary to extract the files before you can listen to the teachings. Extracting files is normally accomplished by selecting the file, right clicking on it, and selecting "extract" from the list. |